Test prep program
The Empowery Test Prep Program unlocks and empowers your academic potential and delivers results that matter
We are a team of professional tutors committed to giving students the tools and confidence necessary to succeed on standardized tests and specialize in adapting our approach to fit different learning styles.
Our virtual, customized tutoring is the most efficient and effective way to help you understand the test material and build confidence.
Hours of experience per tutor
The majority of our students improve over 150 points on the SAT and 3 points on the ACT
Our test prep tutor methods
Personal Connection
Because our tutors are experts on all sections of the test, you’ll work with just one professional tutor to prepare.
Great Materials
Our proprietary test prep curriculum is based on official, released tests, so you will work through questions that closely model the real test.
Free Practice Tests
You will take several full length, timed practice tests to build confidence for test day. Practice test results help your tutor customize the prep.
Tests We Tutor
Preparing for standardized tests can be intimidating but our test prep tutoring can improve your mindset – and score!
Our tutors will help break down the test, imparting math, reading comprehension, science, history, and writing concepts while also teaching test-taking strategies.
Improving Academic Achievements and Grades
Empowerly’s individual tutoring sessions are here to help your student increase their grades and, as a result, the probability of academic achievements. Our team knows there is no one-size-fits-all learning style. Because of that, our unique approach is customized to each individual student and their specific needs.
Which Students Can Benefit from Tutoring?
At Empowerly, we’ve realized that many people are misinformed when it comes to tutoring. The average person may assume that the only students eligible for tutoring are those who are struggling academically, but that isn’t always the case. Any and every student can benefit from test prep for college admissions, and our offerings are here to meet your student at their respective level to provide tailored assistance and support. Whether it be learning disabilities, trouble in certain subjects, or the desire for a fresh and innovative approach to education, every student can grow academically from Empowerly’s tutoring programs.
Tutoring and Test Prep Program
Testing can be really taxing on students, and can easily lead to fear, anxiety, or self-doubt. But with Empowerly’s tutoring, that fear is confronted and transformed, subsequently channeled into productivity, confidence, and a calm approach toward getting higher scores.
The Empowerly team designs our tutoring programs to address the unique needs of each student based on their current status, figure out where they need to be educationally, and adequately prepare them for the next steps to become eligible and highly capable for higher education. Let us take the stress out of your SAT test prep, ACT test prep or general test prep for college admissions. With Empowerly, nothing is impossible.
SAT Exams
ACT Exams
Ready for 1-on-1 Help?
Meet with us in the comfort of your own home via phone or video chat!
Empowerly has helped thousands of students get accepted to their top-choice colleges. Our team consists of graduates from top US colleges with expertise in a variety of subjects including STEM, pre-med, business and the humanities.
Our services
College Admissions Counseling
Empowerly Score®
Empowerly Quiz
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